By now you have probably noticed the format changes to the blog. Let's just say that I learned a lesson in being sure you know what button you are clicking. I was looking through some templates, contemplating switching things up on Vegan Dad, when I carelessly clicked the button that switched the template instead of just previewing the template. Yarg! I knew I had a backup of my old template somewhere on my computer, but when I tried to load it I kept getting an error message. So, I just ran with it and switched things up. The bummer is that I lost my link list, videos, blogroll roll, etc. I am not sure where that info went. So please don't feel liked I have shunned you all--I will begin slowly rebuilding. As for tonight's meal, it is a real crowd pleaser. I love a good sloppy joe with some bite and this recipe delivers. This is an adapted recipe from
The New Basics, one of those very non-vegan cookbooks I keep around (I am pretty sure there is a recipe for a ham stuffed inside a chicken stuffed inside a turkey deep fried in bacon grease somewhere in there). It has lots of information about technique and basic cooking skills, and every now and then I veganize something from it.
- 4 cups water
- 2 tsp soy sauce
- 1 8.5 oz block of tempeh
- 2 tbsp oil
- 1 onion, chopped
- 1 rib celery, chopped
- 1/2 green pepper, chopped
- 1/2 tsp oregano
- 1/2 cup ketchup
- 1/2 cup tomato sauce
- 1/2 cup water (more if needed)
- 3 tbsp red wine vinegar
- 1 tbsp vegan Worcestershire sauce
- 1 tbsp brown sugar
- 1 tsp salt
- freshly ground black pepper
- dash of Tabasco sauce
1. Bring four cups of water to a boil. Add 2 tsp soy sauce. Cut tempeh into four pieces and simmer in water for 10 mins. Remove from water, cool, and grate.
2. Heat oil in a frying pan over med-hi heat. Saute onion, celery, green pepper, and oregano for 5-7 mins, until onion is translucent and pepper has softened.
3. Add grated tempeh and mix well. Fry for 4-5 mins, then add in all the other ingredients. Bring to bubbling then simmer for 10-15 mins, until sauce thickens. Add a more water if needed, depending of how thick you want the sauce.
4. Serve on toasted rolls. I like an open face sandwich, but you could also serve on mini hamburger buns for the kids. Add a slice of vegan cheese if you want.