1. A Little Baking Goes a Long Way: take an evening and bake some mini cookies or mini muffins to send for lunch. Pictured above are the Chocolate Chocolate Chip Cookies from Veganomicon. 1 recipe yields 48 mini cookies (bake for 8 mins) which go into the freezer and are doled out each day. At 1 cookie a day for 2 kids, these last a month (with some left for me!).
2. Pack Fruit: Fruit has its own wrapper and none of the added stuff of fruit cups.
3. Buy Reusable Containers: Laptop Lunches make a great lunchbox system with reusable containers. Forget drinking boxes and go for a stainless steel mini thermos.
4. Make Your Own: This really ties into number 1, but anytime you make your own you avoid packaging. Trying making: hummus, bread, lunch meat, pudding cups, etc.
5. Get Second Hand Cutlery: Kids always lose stuff, so don't send them with you best silverware. Pick up forks and spoons at a local thrift store.
6. Bring Home Organic Waste to Compost: Landfills don't do a great job of breaking down organic waste. Best to have the kiddies bring their banana peels home for the compost pile.